Some of our New Age friends claim they can erase all of their karma and create whatever they desire.
No more relationship, family, money, or health problems. Sounds good!
Alas, years of empirical research convinces us that this is impossible.
If it were possible to create whatever you wanted at any time and erase your challenging karma, numerologists and astrologers would be unable to predict your future circumstances. Interpreted correctly, numerology and astrology charts consistently reflect your predestined life situations.
It sure would be nice to have a totally clean slate in life and experience only what you consciously choose, but it appears that nobody has the ability to skip the difficult lessons.
A numerologist saying to a client, based on her charts, (with no knowledge of that person prior to the session), "...you fell deeply in love age 36 for the first time in your life..." and the client saying, "...yes, it was wonderful, and it still is..." supports the notion of fate and destiny, rather than absolute free will, especially since that same consultant would have identified the event in the charts before the client was 36.
As another example, some struggling actors "make it" and many don't. Although the "path" itself is oftentimes more important than the desired destiny, expert numerologists can accurately determine who is destined for fame, wealth, or success and who is not.
Even the charts of so-called self-actualized people firmly indicate that they do not have free will to erase their karma and create as they wish. However, being self-actualized allows one to more easily accept situations and forgive people, so they glide through life with more ease than others.
Many feel it's more accurate to think of life on earth as the process of co-creating what is to be. A reasonable theory, based on life between life research, is that we all have complete free will as souls, but much of it can only be exercised before we are born into this world.
Yes, you must take action at the right time and put one foot in front of the other to bring about fate while here on earth, but to expect to be able to consistently "create the life of your dreams," is unrealistic, unless of course your dreams are aligned with your destiny.
Many metaphysical practitioners promote such notions as "create your desired reality" and "erase your karma" ("anyone can do it!"). Unfortunately, their clients who fail to reach goals mistakenly assume they didn't try hard enough or that they didn't deserve to get what they wanted, when in reality the goal may not have been part of their highest path.
Instead of feeling like a failure because you didn't "create" something you wanted, it's more effective to get in touch with your individual fate and true earthy purpose. In doing so, you more easily recognize your highest path and apply free will more constructively. Then, when you "go for it," you’re much more likely to succeed because you have time, destiny, and the Universe on your side.
Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo
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Best if you leave the bio box, including links, instead of deleting it, which is against policy in borrowing this article.
Scott Petullo & Stephen Petullo
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