by Gray Rollins
What would you say if I told you there's a product you could use that would increase your car's horsepower, decrease its emissions, and get you better gas mileage? You'd probably be totally for it or think I was completely insane. Well, I know of a product that does all the above. Fuel catalysts are simply chemicals, usually in liquid or pill form, that you add into your gas tank. After a short time, you'll get better gas mileage, more power, and be helping the environment. And fuel catalysts not only work in cars, vans, and SUVs; they also work in motorcycles, boats, RVs, farm equipment, generators, and pretty much anything that uses petroleum based fuels. If these products sound like something you're interesting in, just read on.
I've already told you what these fuel catalysts can do, but you're also probably wondering what they are and how they work. A catalyst in a reaction is an extra ingredient that makes the reaction go faster or more efficiently. In the case of fuel catalysts, they make the reaction of burning fuel more efficient. They don't actually mix with your gasoline; they chemically alter in to a different substance. This new type of fuel burns better than regular gasoline, making it more efficient.
So, how does this make your vehicle run better? When your vehicle runs normally, 85% of the energy produced by the reaction is heat. This means that only 15% of the energy is actually going into running your engine. Also, there are a lot of byproducts produced that build up in your engine, making it even less efficient. When you add a fuel catalyst, the burning of gasoline or diesel becomes more efficient. This makes the engine operate at a lower temperature; meaning that less of the energy is being lost as heat and more of the energy is being used to power your car. This increases your car's horsepower and gas mileage. Adding a catalyst also produces fewer byproducts because of the increased efficiency of the reaction, meaning less buildup in your engine and even more efficiency. A cleaner engine also means that you'll have fewer breakdowns and need fewer tune-ups. This saves you even more money!
I also mentioned earlier that these fuel additives help reduce pollution. When a catalyst is added to a reaction, this means more of the final product in produced and byproducts are reduced. The muck in your engine is one bad byproduct, but it's not the only one. When fuel burns more efficiently, it produces more carbon dioxide and less carbon monoxide. You may think "but isn't carbon dioxide bad?" Well, yes, but carbon monoxide is more toxic. Plus, even though you're getting more carbon dioxide from each gallon; you're burning fewer gallons overall, so it's not really bad.
I've given you as much information about these products as I can, but I understand you may still be skeptical. The best way to find out if these products really work is to try them yourself. What I must warn you against is trying one dose of one of these products and then saying that it doesn't work because there was little improvement. Depending on the age of your vehicle, there may be a whole lot of gunk inside it that needs to be cleaned out. It may take using one of these products several times to see noticeable results. So, if you're really serious about saving money on gas and repairs, or on helping the environment; then you should stick with it before you decide this isn't working for you.
About the Author
Gray Rollins is a featured writer for FuelSavingZone.com. Learn more about gas savers and read our blog for even more ways to save money on gas.
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